Reception | 0345 337 9977 |
The reception lines are closed between 1pm and 2pm daily. Only emergency calls will be answered during this time | |
Prescriptions | 01224 230 222 |
Community Contacts
Health Visitors Mon – Fri: 08:30 – 09:30 or 16:00 – 17:00 | 01224 739 965 |
Community (District) Nurse office in Cults Mon – Fri, 8.30am – 9.00am (answerphone at other times) | 01224 860 183 |
Community Midwifery Unit (Aboyne) | 01224 860 183 |
Midwife Appointments (Cults Medical Group) | 0345 337 1140 |
Occupational Therapy Self-Referral | 01224 764 646 |
Duty Team at Occupational Therapy Bon Accord Care Home support, equipment, occupational therapy, community alarm, community meals | Refer Yourself Online or call 0800 141 233 |
North East Sensory Services support for deaf and blind people | By appointment Call 0345 271 2345 or Text 07593 102 004 or email [email protected] |
THInC (Transport to Healthcare Information Centre) | 01467 536 111 |
Care and repair charity offering support with home repairs improvements, adaptations, heating, safety and security | 01224 251 133 |
Abbotswell Pharmacy (Kincorth) | 01224 875 939 |
Bairds Pharmacy (King Street) | 01224 483 783 |
Bairds Pharmacy (Clifton Road) | 01224 484 688 |
Boots the Chemist (Garthdee) | 01224 318 792 |
Boots the Chemist (Union Square) | 01224 210 550 |
Boots the Chemist (Bon Accord) | 01224 626 080 or 01224 649 279 |
Charles Michie (Union Street) | 01224 585312 |
Cove Bay Pharmacy (Cove) | 01224 890 091 |
Dickies Pharmacy (Torry) | 01224 878 459 |
Ferryhill Pharmacy (Ferryhill) | 01224 580 950 |
Gardner Drive (Kincorth) | 01224 874 608 |
Torry Pharmacy (Torry) | 01224 879446 |