Contact Telephone Numbers


Reception 0345 337 9977
The reception lines are closed between 1pm and 2pm daily. Only emergency calls will be answered during this time
Prescriptions01224 230 222

Community Contacts

Health Visitors
Mon – Fri: 08:30 – 09:30 or 16:00 – 17:00
01224 739 965
Community (District) Nurse office in Cults
 Mon – Fri, 8.30am – 9.00am
(answerphone at other times)
01224 860 183
Community Midwifery Unit (Aboyne)01224 860 183
Midwife Appointments (Cults Medical Group)0345 337 1140
Occupational Therapy Self-Referral01224 764 646
Duty Team at Occupational Therapy Bon Accord Care
Home support, equipment, occupational therapy, community alarm, community meals
Refer Yourself Online
or call 0800 141 233
North East Sensory Services support for deaf and blind peopleBy appointment
Call 0345 271 2345 or
Text 07593 102 004 or email [email protected]
(Transport to Healthcare Information Centre)
01467 536 111
Care and repair charity offering support with home repairs improvements, adaptations, heating, safety and security01224 251 133


Abbotswell Pharmacy (Kincorth)01224 875 939
Bairds Pharmacy (King Street)01224 483 783
Bairds Pharmacy (Clifton Road)01224 484 688
Boots the Chemist (Garthdee)01224 318 792
Boots the Chemist (Union Square)01224 210 550
Boots the Chemist (Bon Accord)01224 626 080 or 01224 649 279
Charles Michie (Union Street)01224 585312
Cove Bay Pharmacy (Cove)01224 890 091
Dickies Pharmacy (Torry)01224 878 459
Ferryhill Pharmacy (Ferryhill)01224 580 950
Gardner Drive (Kincorth)01224 874 608
Torry Pharmacy (Torry)01224 879446