Do not turn up at your Practice without an appointment.
Do not turn up at your practice without an appointment. Phone first or follow the advice on our website.
Do not turn up at your practice without an appointment. Phone first or follow the advice on our website.
Sometimes, the key to our recovery, lies with us. For example, if you have a minor illness or a less serious injury, then self-care at home is the best option.
Quit Your Way Scotland is an advice and support service for anyone trying to stop smoking in Scotland.
Help you and your family stay well with these health and wellbeing tips.
Your nearest pharmacy can help you with advice, support and treatment for a variety of women’s health symptoms and conditions.
When a friend or relative is diagnosed with dementia, it’s natural not to know what to do. But, helping someone stay connected and socially active can help them stay well for longer. It’s time to rethink dementia.
The flu vaccine helps protect against flu, which can be a serious or life-threatening illness. It’s offered on the NHS every year in autumn or early winter to people at higher risk of getting seriously ill from flu.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a virus that can affect the lungs and airways. In most people, RSV causes mild cold-like symptoms. A vaccine to help protect against RSV is available on the NHS for those most at risk.
Many GP practices in Grampian are faced with unmanageable workloads coupled with a rapidlyshrinking and exhausted workforce. The COVID-19 pandemic has generated a vast backlog of carewhich is so far
Travelling abroad soon and think you need vaccines, a malaria risk assessment or travel advice?
Information Governance – Data Protection Back Scanning of Paper GP Records in Torry Medical Practice What is happening and how is my data being used? Torry Medical Practice are back
The housing department of Aberdeen City Council have confirmed to us that affected residents do not need letters from their GP. Residents with relevant health problems should let the housing team know
NHS inform has a lot of resources to help with your mental health, whether you’re looking for advice, information, local support, or ideas for improving your wellbeing.
Grampian Community Law Centre The Grampian Community Law Centre will be hosting regular one-to-one appointments and information sessions at Torry Medical Practice, Oscar Rd, Torry, Aberdeen AB11 8ER and the
You may be put on a waiting list to see a healthcare specialist or to get health and social care services. The ‘Waiting Well’ website from NHS Inform has information to support your health and wellbeing at this time.
The next self-management course starts on 2nd of November and run every Thursday from 10am to 2pm for 10 weeks at the Marywell Centre, Marywell St, AB11 6JF. There will be a Christmas break
GP practices are the bedrock of our healthcare services. Across Grampian we are working together to deliver the services you need. Over the last few years GP practices have seen Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership have created a Primary Care page on their website which will contain any updates to Primary Care within the city. Some things
Cases of measles are on the rise. Check you’ve been fully vaccinated against it.
If you are coming to Scotland to study full-time, and you live in Scotland lawfully, you can get healthcare from the NHS from the day you arrive until one month after your course finishes.
Aberdeen Foyer will now have a presence in the practice in the main practice waiting room every Wednesday from 9:30am-12:30pm. Who are Aberdeen Foyer? The Foyer is a charitable organisation
Sleepio is an online sleep improvement programme to help tackle poor sleep and insomnia. You can access the programme at Daylight is an evidence based digital CBT programme to
The board and staff of River Dee Medical Group support the aims of an Energy Transition Zone in Aberdeen City to develop new renewable technologies using existing brownfield sites. We
NHS Scotland is using a new text message service to ensure our patient waiting lists are up to date and that patients still need their appointments or operations.
NHS Scotland does not recommend choosing to pay to travel abroad for surgery as part of a packaged holiday. This is sometimes called surgical or cosmetic tourism.
Quit Your Way Scotland Quit Your Way Scotland is an advice and support service for anyone trying to stop smoking in Scotland. You can contact Quit Your Way Scotland for free by: — phoning a Quit Your Way Scotland advisor on 0800 84 84 84— chatting online with a Quit Your Way Scotland advisor Most … Read more
Caring can be rewarding and positive, but it can also be a difficult and challenging role. Breaks from caring – to recharge your batteries and keep in good health –
Torry Medical Practice is proud to support the teaching and training and both undergraduate and postgraduate students. We have recently been accredited as a Training Practice and will be welcoming
Torry Medical Practice already offer an early morning nurses surgery on a Tuesday morning and a GP surgery on a Friday morning. Offering appointments between 7.30 and 8am. These appointments
After careful consideration Torry Medical Practice have decided to suspend the e-consult service. While we appreciate that some patients have found this service of benefit we have reviewed the usage
Problems with muscles, bones and joints are known as musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. There’s a lot you can do at home to help your recovery from most injuries or conditions relating to these areas.
Worrying about money? The Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) has collaborated with local authority teams, advice providers, food aid organisations and other local stakeholders to co-produce cash first referral leaflets
Taking antibiotics when you don’t need them can encourage harmful bacteria that live inside you to become resistant. That means antibiotics may not work when you need them.
Download the free NHS 24 Online app to find your nearest services, to assess your symptoms and to get virtual assistance.
The colder winter months can have a significant impact on your health and wellbeing. Find advice on how to stay healthy and well this winter.
You may have seen in the news and online stories about Group A Strep.
When you understand what’s going on with your health, you can make better decisions around your care and treatment.
Information about flu and coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines to help protect you this winter.
If you’ve made your organ and tissue donation decision, tell your family and friends. Because if your loved ones know your decision, it’ll make it easier for them to ensure it is honoured.